PhD – Exploring Spatial (re)presentations and imaginations through image-making

apply before October 15, 2024

More about this position

The FRAME research cluster of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts at UHasselt offers a full-time doctoral position of 2 years, extendable by 2 years after positive interim evaluation, for candidates interested in working on spatial representations and imaginations through image-making. The PhD research will focus on the use of media such as photography, video and drawing, or a combination of these in hybrid constellations.The project should engage with art-as-research-practice. This entails integrating both a theoretical approach through writing and critical thinking, and a practical approach through making. When you apply for this PhD position, we ask you to upload your portfolio and a PhD proposal with a description of your proposed project.

We welcome proposals that explore spatial (re)presentations, montage and assemblage as methodologies, photography and moving images as critical praxis, or drawing and other visual art practices as mediums of reflection. Thematically, these proposals can relate to landscapes and embodied knowledge, deep time perspectives for narratives and design, borders and liminality, or fragile environments. The topic will be defined more specifically in consultation with the PhD supervisor. In line with the overall ambition of the research at our faculty, the research proposal should also critically consider its potential to contribute to societal and spatial transformation processes, and to shape the future of education in the related fields.

As part of this project, you will closely collaborate with researchers, architects and artists from the research domain FRAME, which explores unconventional forms of knowledge gathering and transfer leading to new frameworks for thinkingin and through images and spaces. FRAME particularly focuses on the use of creative-critical writing, photography and video, maquettes and drawing. You will also work together with other research groups of ArcK and PXL-MAD.

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