About the institution
As International Erasmus Mundus Joint Master of Science program, the program is thaught in 4 universities in different countries: Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) in the UK, LAB University of Applied Sciences in Finland (LAB), University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTWD) in Germany and University of Huelva (UHU) in Spain.
About the program
The Master of Urban Climae and Sustainability (MUrCS) is an International Erasmus Mundus Joint Master of Science program. It integrates three main streams, Planning, Management and Science. Under an innovative staff/student mobility scheme, students will first undertake core modules together with developing transverse skills (inter-cultural awareness, foreign language competencies, research methods and communication and employability skills). Further, core modules and electives, relevant to each student’s main and second specialisms, are taught by the most relevant partner university. Students will finally develop a thesis project covering both their specialisms, jointly supervised by two academics from different partner institutions.
Semester 1 at the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) starts with core modules, common for all students and offered with the participation of partners and selected experts. Semester 2 takes place at LAB University of Applied Sciences in Finland (LAB) for all students. This semester includes core or elective modules (different for each stream) and an integrated study project at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTWD) in Germany. Semester 3 is an integrated, problem-based learning block, built around our Associated Partners’ core areas, and takes place at the University of Huelva (UHU) in Spain for all students. Semester 4 is devoted to thesis work at the partner institution best aligned with the primary specialism. A MUrCS graduate will have earned a total of 120 ECTS over the course of two years.
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