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build_shift presents: KÆNA

KÆNA [kεnä] is an initiative based in Athens that explores issues around the sustainability of the local built environment through participatory processes and collective action.

Understanding sustainability beyond metrics and evaluation models, but as a way of thinking and acting, KÆNA foregrounds the social and ethical role of architecture and advocates for responsible and inclusive notions of practice in the context of the climate and ecological emergencies.

KÆNA initiated its public programme in 2021 organising public talks, focus-group sessions and reading groups that provide an open framework for knowledge exchange, awareness-raising and collective reflection around the environmental, social, political and economic impacts of the ecological crisis. Through different ways of participation, discussion and critical dialogue, the programme seeks to create a community of architects and other professionals of the built environment, who share common values and goals.

Now, you..

Would you like to contribute with an article, essay, commentary?

Wanna share the findings of your academic projects or those in your thesis?

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