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New: A collection of education programs tackling sustainability in architecture and beyond

We have expanded our collection of opportunities in the built environment! In addition to the Job Tips and Beyond sections, we now present to you our Education section with a growing collection of education programs focused on sustainability.

Exciting news for those looking to pursue a sustainably-focused higher education in a built environment-related field: we now have a database dedicated to such study programs. Easily scroll through our selection of courses addressing current climate and social challenges in the built environment and find your next education path: sustainable architecture, sustainable construction, sustainable urban development and much more!

After initially starting this collection last summer and sharing it with you via a public Notion page (which will now be discontinued), we have decided to integrate the project into our website allowing users to navigate it more easily. We would like to thank all of you who contributed to creating this list by recommending study programs!

After several months of planning and development, we are pleased to announce that you can now explore over 70 study programs from 13 European countries in our Education database (as of 18.03.24). The majority of these programs are offered in English, although a few may require proficiency in a specific local language. We are committed to regularly updating our collection, with the next batch of programs expected to be added in the coming weeks.

Education database poster

Main features

1.Tailored for the built environment

Navigate through the list of programs by choosing from our seven curated focuses:

  • Building & Design: The program deals with (interior) architectural design, construction processes and/or building methods.
  • Materials: The program explores (certain) building materials or technical circularity processes. 
  • Society: The program emphasizes the human dimension of the built environment, e.g. participatory processes or inclusive designs.
  • Space & Territory: The program has a geographical perspective, e.g. urban planning, rural development or public spaces.
  • Business & Management: The program addresses how to organize architectural and spatial infrastructures or processes (both in private or public entities).
  • Digitalization & Technology: The program emphasizes the technological aspects of the built environment, e.g. BIM, robotics or digitalization.
  • Interdisciplinary: The program stands out by combining different sciences or approaches with the aim of giving to the student deeper understanding of the subject of study. (i.e. climatology/ data science/ design).

2. Fitting to your education background

Easily filter between desired degrees and check the required disciplines in the program description. Or, use the ‘Open to graduates from other disciplines‘ filter to exclude programs that require specific discipline degrees.

3. Addressing your financial questions (sadly education costs)

Different costs apply based on location, institution and nationality/residency of the applicant. As many institutions require different (and higher) enrollment costs for non-EU/EEA nationals we have a specific filter for that too!

4. Sort!

Easily sort the results based on the application month and costs!

5. Other features

Other filters help you navigate through the programs by choosing keywords, formats, language and location.

So, what do you think? Did you use our education database already? Please get in touch and let us know! You will help us to further improve it!

Would you like to recommend a course to be added? You can use this form: Recommend a study program

If you’re an university or other kind of institution and would like to upload and promote your program on build-shift and our channels, please get in contact with us.

Now, you..

Would you like to contribute with an article, essay, commentary?

Wanna share the findings of your academic projects or those in your thesis?

We want this blog to be a space open to the community…you can reach out on our social media or at