Send us your job offer
Use the form below to send us your vacancies. We will upload them in the shortest delay possible.
Why posting your job offer on our platform?
1. Free of charge
Using our platform, is completely free of charge, as we try to meet our financial needs through voluntary contributions.
2. Focused on your values
The platform is focused on sustainability and fairness so that you can reach those people who want to make a difference.
3. Local and European
With our platform you can reach both a local and a European-wide public, as our user base comes from all around Europe.
4. Social media reach
We are active on LinkedIn and Instagram where we promote weekly our new open positions so that you can increase your visibility and reach potential candidates.
5. Essential and Trusted
Your job offers can be found easily with our filters and are linked directly to your website, reducing superfluous steps to the essentials.
Would you like to support us with a voluntary contribution?
Find more about contributions.
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Explore the About us page.