Category: Sustainable Cities

  • Chargé.e de projet Logement vacant et Habitat participatif

    Missions Vous renforcerez l’animation et la coordination de deux associations de collectivités territoriales présidées par l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg : Agir contre le logement vacant et le Réseau national pour l’habitat participatif. En lien avec les deux chefs de projets thématiques, vous mobiliserez vos compétences en communication et en animation, pour la promotion de l’habitat participatif…

  • Internship

    Are you interested in gaining insight into the daily life of an architect, landscape architect, building designer, or engineer (especially in sustainability)? And are you curious about delving into the intersection of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability? Get hands-on experience with a wide range of professionally relevant tasks, where you can work on concept development, model…

  • Analytical Internship

    Do you have a flair for data processing and can deduce trends and work with concepts within urban design and citizen involvement? Are you studying sociology, ethnology, anthropology, urban planning or similar? As an intern, you will become part of the daily work at a dynamic architectural office with many diverse tasks. You will work…

  • Design Internship

    Do you love drawing and designing, do you think outside the box and do you want to take part in developing arki_labs projects creatively? Do you study landscape architecture, architecture, urban design or a similar profession? As an intern, you will become part of the daily work at a dynamic architectural office with many diverse…

  • Industrial PhD on biodiversity in the urban environment

    Henning Larsen is seeking an Industrial PhD candidate specializing in biodiversity for urban environments to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and sustainable landscape architecture practice. Collaborating with the Center for Macroecology, Evolution, and Climate at the University of Copenhagen, the candidate will work with landscape architects and engineers to develop a methodology enhancing biodiversity…