Category: Sustainable Cities

  • ChargĂ©.e de projet Logement vacant et Habitat participatif

    Missions Vous renforcerez l’animation et la coordination de deux associations de collectivitĂ©s territoriales prĂ©sidĂ©es par l’EuromĂ©tropole de Strasbourg : Agir contre le logement vacant et le RĂ©seau national pour l’habitat participatif. En lien avec les deux chefs de projets thĂ©matiques, vous mobiliserez vos compĂ©tences en communication et en animation, pour la promotion de l’habitat participatif…

  • Urban Climate Governance Expert

    Demos Helsinki is looking for an urban climate governance expert to join the NetZeroCities project. The selected candidate will provide expertise and insights to support cities in decarbonization efforts. Responsibilities include creating support mechanisms for financial expertise and developing funding solutions for climate action. Additionally, the role contributes to the project’s goal of aiding European…

  • Sunset Project: 10 Doctoral Canditates

    SUNSET is a European Doctoral Network aiming to develop innovative research and training capacity around city-university interactions driving the EU’s twin green and digital transition. SUNSET brings together a diverse network of esteemed researchers from leading universities worldwide, along with partners from city governments, innovation companies, research institutes, and civil society organizations. Together, we aim…

  • PhD “Re-valuing urban heritage to increase cities’ readiness to face climate change”

    his PhD position will revolve around urban heritage and adaptation measures for the climate-neutral, inclusive, and beautiful transformation of cities and communities, thus applying the New European Bauhaus (NEB) principles and values with specific emphasis on the neighbourhood scale. More specifically, the PhD Candidate will develop new knowledge and tools to better capture how the…