Category: Sustainable Cities

  • Ph.D. Position/Assistantship in Urban Studies

    The University of Basel is looking for candidates passionate about Urban Studies in Basel, where interdisciplinary approaches in architecture, geography, anthropology, social and political theory, and history converge to address global Southern and postcolonial questions. With a focus on Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, research extends beyond academia, engaging with public discourse and collaboration.…

  • Praktikant:in «Urbane Kommunikation» und «Teamassistenz»

    Denkstatt sucht eine motivierte Praktikantin (w/d/m) fĂŒr 80-100% Pensum oder nach Vereinbarung, idealerweise fĂŒr 6-12 Monate. Die Aufgaben umfassen redaktionelle, organisatorische, administrative und inhaltliche Arbeiten im Bereich “Urbane Kommunikation” und “Teamassistenz” vorwiegend in Basel. Zu den Qualifikationen gehören sichere Kenntnisse in Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, Textproduktion und -redaktion, Excel, organisatorische FĂ€higkeiten sowie Grundkenntnisse in Adobe Indesign,…

  • PhD “Re-valuing urban heritage to increase cities’ readiness to face climate change”

    his PhD position will revolve around urban heritage and adaptation measures for the climate-neutral, inclusive, and beautiful transformation of cities and communities, thus applying the New European Bauhaus (NEB) principles and values with specific emphasis on the neighbourhood scale. More specifically, the PhD Candidate will develop new knowledge and tools to better capture how the…