Category: Sustainable Cities

  • Community & Communications Lead

    Placemaking Europe is seeking a passionate and experienced Community and Communications Lead to join their team. This mid-level position will play a pivotal role in fostering connections between placemakers across Europe, amplifying the voice of our community and disseminating the knowledge we create. Working for Placemaking Europe means that you have to feel comfortable in…

  • Creative university student for illustrations

    The Institute for Human Rights and Business seeks creative university students in Athens and Valparaiso to illustrate the visioning workshops of its project on advancing a just transition in the built environment. They aim to appoint one artist in each city to create a visual art piece reflecting the project’s findings, to be showcased at…

  • Praktikant:in «Urbane Kommunikation» und «Teamassistenz»

    Denkstatt sucht eine motivierte Praktikantin (w/d/m) für 80-100% Pensum oder nach Vereinbarung, idealerweise für 6-12 Monate. Die Aufgaben umfassen redaktionelle, organisatorische, administrative und inhaltliche Arbeiten im Bereich “Urbane Kommunikation” und “Teamassistenz” vorwiegend in Basel. Zu den Qualifikationen gehören sichere Kenntnisse in Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, Textproduktion und -redaktion, Excel, organisatorische Fähigkeiten sowie Grundkenntnisse in Adobe Indesign,…

  • Graphic Designer

    Down to Earth is seeking a talented and dedicated Graphic Designer to support its vision as the organization continues to expand its positive impact on communities and scale of operations across its group of award-winning social enterprises. As a small and adaptable team, Down to Earth recognizes that individuals often take on multiple roles. In…

  • PhD 15-Minutes-City & GIS

    Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, seeks candidates for a full-time PhD position in Urban Design and Planning. This position is part of an international project focused on implementing the 15-minute city concept, emphasizing green and blue infrastructure. Responsibilities include developing a GIS model for Gothenburg’s metropolitan area, tracking changes in green-blue networks since…

  • Field team/sessional researchers

    Social Life are looking for researchers and people with engagement experience to join the field team. This is being offered on a freelance contract as and when work is available. Projects are coming up in central London in late March and April, and in Southwark and Harlesden/Shepherds Bush later in the summer. Fieldworkers are needed…

  • Open House Festival Administrator

    Open House Festival is currently seeking a new Administrator to join their team. The festival, organized by Open City, aims to celebrate London’s architecture, special places, and neighborhoods through free open days and events across all 33 boroughs. The role, based in North Greenwich, offers a salary of £20k-£21.6k for 4 days a week, with…

  • Mitarbeit zur Projektvermittlung / Kioskbetrieb

    Der gemeinnützige Verein Flussbad Berlin sucht für die Sommersaison ab dem 15. April bzw. 1. Mai bis zum 15. Oktober 2024 Mitarbeiter:innen auf Minijob- oder Werkstudentenbasis zur Vermittlung des Projektvorhabens und Betreuung des Kioskbetriebs im Fluss Bad Garten in Berlin Mitte. Der Fluss Bad Garten fungiert als Vermittlungs- und Informationsplattform für das Projekt und bietet…

  • Wissenschaftliche und Künstlerische Mitarbeit „Kuratierte Erdgeschosse“

    Gesucht werden zwei Mitarbeiter:innen für das Projekt „Kuratierte Erdgeschosse am Haus der Statistik“, finanziert durch die Nationalen Projekte des Städtebaus. Die Aufgaben umfassen den kreislaufgerechten Innenausbau und die Erweiterung von Bestandsflächen im Erdgeschoss. Anforderungen sind ein Hochschulabschluss in Architektur, Stadtplanung oder vergleichbarem, mindestens zwei Jahre Erfahrung in gemeinwohlorientierter Stadtentwicklung, sowie Kenntnisse in Adobe Suite, CAD…

  • Architectural Illustrator

    CIVIC SQUARE is demonstrating neighbourhood-scale civic infrastructure for social and ecological transition, together with many people and partners in Ladywood, Birmingham UK. Principally, we are working to share practically and openly how the climate transition and retrofit of our homes and streets can be designed, owned and governed by the people who live there now…