Category: Sustainable Cities

  • PhD 15-Minutes-City & GIS

    Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, seeks candidates for a full-time PhD position in Urban Design and Planning. This position is part of an international project focused on implementing the 15-minute city concept, emphasizing green and blue infrastructure. Responsibilities include developing a GIS model for Gothenburg’s metropolitan area, tracking changes in green-blue networks since…

  • Animatore/animatrice territoriale

    L’animatore o l’animatrice territoriale si occupa del disegno e della gestione di processi partecipativi e di strategie e tecniche di facilitazione per il coinvolgimento delle comunità locali. Nello specifico: 1. affiancamento per le attività di animazione territoriale; 2. supporto alla creazione di connessioni tra comunità e spazi riattivati con il coinvolgimento di nuovi attori all’interno…

  • Net Zero Cities – Pilot City Programme Lead

    Dark Matter Labs is on a mission to drive societal transition in the face of climate breakdown and technological disruption. With a focus on collective care, shared agency, long-termism, and interconnectedness, they operate across various domains, including policy, regulation, finance, data, governance, and democratic participation. The NZC Pilot City Programme Lead will play a crucial…

  • 12 Doctoral Candidates “Climate-neutral cities through citizen engagement”

    10+2 Doctoral Candidates will be overall employed to conduct research on how to advance towards achieving climate-neutral cities on different dimensions through citizen engagement and decision-making support. There is a great team of academics and experts involved in supervision and training, and the consortium is now inviting applications for 10+2 doctoral candidates (Researchers) for these…