Irish Travellers, particularly those living in mobile dwellings, experience disproportionally high energy poverty rates compared with the general Irish population. While a significant uptake of energy efficiency upgrades has been seen in the national housing stock, the same trend is not observed for mobile dwellings. This trend is mirrored for emergency mobile accommodation used for asylum seekers and displaced individuals. Space limitations, lack of knowledge and supporting structures, and the inability of mobile dwelling populations to benefit from current home upgrades funding schemes, has hampered any potential energy efficiency measures being applied to mobile homes, leading to higher-than-average electricity consumption and reliance on fossil fuels for mobile dwelling families. Importantly, Travellers living in mobile homes, are not captured in any existing low (or no) carbon just transition scheme put forward by the Irish Government and thus no mechanism to ensure accessibility of affordable, greener energy and more energy efficient dwellings for this community is in place.
This research in collaboration with Munster Technological University and Atlantic Technological University will using mobile homes donated by Sligo County Council will create a digital twin of mobile homes fabric and systems and carry out initial modelling to gain insight into the most impactful measures i.e. RES vs fabric improvements. Informed by the model, this research will test potential solutions in practice using a test bed of old mobile home donated by Sligo County Council to recommended cost-optimal and practical integrated energy efficiency upgrade solutions for mobile homes accounting for operational and embodied carbon.