Author: Melana

  • Director of Operations

    The Landscape Research Group is hiring a part-time Director of Operations to join their team, offering flexible working hours from home. The role involves contributing to leadership, strategic planning, partnership development, and day-to-day operations oversight. The Director will collaborate with various stakeholders to achieve organizational goals. Applicants should submit a letter of application, CV, and…

  • Erasmus+ Praktikum

    Architects 4 Future sucht aktuell nach einem Erasmus+ Praktikanten für Kommunikation, Grafik und mehr. Die Organisation setzt sich für einen nachhaltigen und fairen Wandel in der Baubranche ein. Das Team ermutigt Menschen, sich aktiv für eine positive Zukunft im Bauwesen einzusetzen, vernetzt engagierte Akteure und Initiativen, fördert den Wissensaustausch und vertritt Anliegen gegenüber Politik und…

  • Communications Manager

    The Global Ecovillage Network of Europe (GEN Europe) is seeking a Communications Manager to join their team. As a freelance contractor or potential employee in Spain or Germany, you will implement and enhance the communications strategy, manage social media and websites, promote the European Ecovillage Gathering, and elevate GEN Europe’s profile. The role involves working…

  • Designer and Producer, Climate Resilient Regions

    EIT Climate-KIC is seeking a Designer and Producer for their Climate Resilient Regions Team, based in Belgium, Germany, Poland, Spain, or the UK. The team focuses on supporting regions and communities in transitioning to climate resilience through a transformative adaptation approach. The ideal candidate will actively contribute to ongoing projects, possess a deep interest in…