Category: Sustainable Cities

  • Urban Nature Intern

    C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors from leading cities worldwide, dedicated to addressing the climate crisis and fostering thriving communities. Their approach is science-based and people-focused, aiming to limit global heating to 1.5°C. The organization operates globally with over 400 staff members across various locations. C40’s Climate Solutions and Networks (CSN) team oversees…

  • Student internship

    Dérive is offering a paid internship for a motivated student to join them. Interested? Please send your motivation, brief portfolio and cv to Dérive is a research driven practice operating between architecture, public space and urban strategies.

  • Doctoral candidate on feminist perspectives on housing, gender, and everyday life (ENG & ESP)

    A doctoral candidate position in Social Geography and Urban Studies at the University of Zurich is open for applications, focusing on the project “The Home-Debt Nexus: Feminist perspectives on housing, gender, and everyday life.” This project investigates women’s challenges at the intersection of housing, indebtedness, and homemaking, exploring their responses and the geographical/material conditions involved.…

  • Analytical Internship

    Do you have a flair for data processing and can deduce trends and work with concepts within urban design and citizen involvement? Are you studying sociology, ethnology, anthropology, urban planning or similar? As an intern, you will become part of the daily work at a dynamic architectural office with many diverse tasks. You will work…

  • Design Internship

    Do you love drawing and designing, do you think outside the box and do you want to take part in developing arki_labs projects creatively? Do you study landscape architecture, architecture, urban design or a similar profession? As an intern, you will become part of the daily work at a dynamic architectural office with many diverse…

  • Stagiaires

    CrowdBuilding zoekt teamleden die willen bijdragen aan het aanpakken van de wooncrisis van onderaf! Als platform voor collectief bouwen en wonen streven ze naar een inclusieve, eerlijke en duurzame woningmarkt door collectieve zelfbouw en innovatieve woonvormen voor iedereen toegankelijk te maken.

  • Creative university student for illustrations

    The Institute for Human Rights and Business seeks creative university students in Athens and Valparaiso to illustrate the visioning workshops of its project on advancing a just transition in the built environment. They aim to appoint one artist in each city to create a visual art piece reflecting the project’s findings, to be showcased at…

  • Praktikant:in «Urbane Kommunikation» und «Teamassistenz»

    Denkstatt sucht eine motivierte Praktikantin (w/d/m) für 80-100% Pensum oder nach Vereinbarung, idealerweise für 6-12 Monate. Die Aufgaben umfassen redaktionelle, organisatorische, administrative und inhaltliche Arbeiten im Bereich “Urbane Kommunikation” und “Teamassistenz” vorwiegend in Basel. Zu den Qualifikationen gehören sichere Kenntnisse in Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, Textproduktion und -redaktion, Excel, organisatorische Fähigkeiten sowie Grundkenntnisse in Adobe Indesign,…

  • Sunset Project: 10 Doctoral Canditates

    SUNSET is a European Doctoral Network aiming to develop innovative research and training capacity around city-university interactions driving the EU’s twin green and digital transition. SUNSET brings together a diverse network of esteemed researchers from leading universities worldwide, along with partners from city governments, innovation companies, research institutes, and civil society organizations. Together, we aim…

  • Open House Festival Administrator

    Open House Festival is a London-wide festival that opens up and celebrates the city’s architecture, special places and neighbourhoods, with free open days and events taking place across all 33 London boroughs. The festival’s mission is to provide access to spaces that wouldn’t otherwise be open, to create opportunities for learning from and about the…

  • Field team/sessional researchers

    Social Life are looking for researchers and people with engagement experience to join the field team. This is being offered on a freelance contract as and when work is available. Projects are coming up in central London in late March and April, and in Southwark and Harlesden/Shepherds Bush later in the summer. Fieldworkers are needed…

  • Animatore/animatrice territoriale

    L’animatore o l’animatrice territoriale si occupa del disegno e della gestione di processi partecipativi e di strategie e tecniche di facilitazione per il coinvolgimento delle comunità locali. Nello specifico: 1. affiancamento per le attività di animazione territoriale; 2. supporto alla creazione di connessioni tra comunità e spazi riattivati con il coinvolgimento di nuovi attori all’interno…

  • Community Researcher – Making London Safer for Women, Girls and Gender Diverse People

    We Made That is hiring Community Researchers to join the team for a new and exciting project commissioned by Transport for London and the Mayor of London Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). They’re looking for women and gender diverse people to help us conduct research, test new engagement methods, and share insights about experiences of safety…

  • Praktikant/in Stadtklima

    Die Dienststelle Städtebau & Architektur des Bau- und Verkehrsdepartements steuert die räumliche, architektonische und denkmalpflegerische Entwicklung des Kantons Basel-Stadt: von einzelnen, kantonseigenen Gebäuden bis hin zur Gesamtstadt. Die Leistungen reichen von der Entwicklung raumplanerischer und städtebaulicher Konzepte bis hin zum Projekt- und Gebäudemanagement komplexer Hochbauten. Die Dienststelle setzt sich unter Einbezug von öffentlichen und privaten…

  • Open House Festival Administrator

    Open House Festival is currently seeking a new Administrator to join their team. The festival, organized by Open City, aims to celebrate London’s architecture, special places, and neighborhoods through free open days and events across all 33 boroughs. The role, based in North Greenwich, offers a salary of £20k-£21.6k for 4 days a week, with…

  • Trainee for culture

    Eurocities is a prominent network encompassing over 200 major European cities, focusing on various thematic areas reflecting urban priorities. It operates with a dynamic and international team culture, emphasizing trust, collaboration, and work-life balance. Eurocities seeks a trainee for a one-year term, primarily addressing topics related to culture and cultural heritage, with responsibilities including policy…

  • Mitarbeit zur Projektvermittlung / Kioskbetrieb

    Der gemeinnützige Verein Flussbad Berlin sucht für die Sommersaison ab dem 15. April bzw. 1. Mai bis zum 15. Oktober 2024 Mitarbeiter:innen auf Minijob- oder Werkstudentenbasis zur Vermittlung des Projektvorhabens und Betreuung des Kioskbetriebs im Fluss Bad Garten in Berlin Mitte. Der Fluss Bad Garten fungiert als Vermittlungs- und Informationsplattform für das Projekt und bietet…

  • Urban Research Assistant (0-3 years)

    We Made That is currently seeking an Urban Research Assistant with 0-3 years of experience, who is intrigued by places and how intelligent evidence influences their development. They are looking for a candidate with knowledge and a keen interest in cities and spaces, as well as the processes that shape them. The ideal candidate will…

  • Community Mapping Project Assistants

    The project aims to address climate change as a social justice issue by tackling inequalities within society. It focuses on building a Public Map Platform (PMP) to help Local Authorities and communities make informed decisions and take local action on climate change. Based on the Isle of Anglesey/Ynys Môn in North Wales, the project offers…

  • Coordinator

    Tours that matter are looking for a coordinator that will support their vision to create a community of changemakers, by offering positive impact tours in Amsterdam. Their goal is to create a thriving, sustainable, and inclusive city by shaping the urban landscape through their transformative experiences and tours leaving a positive footprint. The job includes…