Category: Sustainable Cities

  • Bicycle Mayor Network Intern

    Only for students based in Netherlands: BYCS is seeking an enthusiastic Bicycle Mayor Network Intern to join our Amsterdam team. In this role, you will play a vital part in managing our Bicycle Mayor Network, including handling relationships with cycling advocates in 140+ cities, facilitating collaboration sessions, managing onboarding processes, developing digital communication campaigns, and…

  • Assistenz der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrung

    Als Assistenz der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrung arbeitest du eng mit der GrĂŒnderin und GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin zusammen. Du bist ein Organisationstalent, kannst dich in verschiedene Personen und Anforderungen hineinversetzen und behĂ€ltst in Stresssituationen einen kĂŒhlen Kopf und Deinen Humor. Da sich unser Kundenportfolio stetig erweitert, benötigen wir Dein vorausschauendes Denken und Deine Eigeninitiative. Die Stelle ist im Rahmen einer…

  • Animatore/animatrice territoriale

    L’animatore o l’animatrice territoriale si occupa del disegno e della gestione di processi partecipativi e di strategie e tecniche di facilitazione per il coinvolgimento delle comunitĂ  locali. Nello specifico: 1. affiancamento per le attivitĂ  di animazione territoriale; 2. supporto alla creazione di connessioni tra comunitĂ  e spazi riattivati con il coinvolgimento di nuovi attori all’interno…

  • Community Researcher – Making London Safer for Women, Girls and Gender Diverse People

    We Made That is hiring Community Researchers to join the team for a new and exciting project commissioned by Transport for London and the Mayor of London Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). They’re looking for women and gender diverse people to help us conduct research, test new engagement methods, and share insights about experiences of safety…

  • Coordinator

    Tours that matter are looking for a coordinator that will support their vision to create a community of changemakers, by offering positive impact tours in Amsterdam. Their goal is to create a thriving, sustainable, and inclusive city by shaping the urban landscape through their transformative experiences and tours leaving a positive footprint. The job includes…