Category: Sustainable Cities

  • ChargĂ©.e de projet Logement vacant et Habitat participatif

    Missions Vous renforcerez l’animation et la coordination de deux associations de collectivitĂ©s territoriales prĂ©sidĂ©es par l’EuromĂ©tropole de Strasbourg : Agir contre le logement vacant et le RĂ©seau national pour l’habitat participatif. En lien avec les deux chefs de projets thĂ©matiques, vous mobiliserez vos compĂ©tences en communication et en animation, pour la promotion de l’habitat participatif…

  • Konzeptarbeit

    Das Projekt “ZusammenStelle” wurde ins Leben gerufen, um die kooperative Entwicklung des Rathausblock Kreuzberg zu ermöglichen. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf dem Organisationsgedanken und der UnterstĂŒtzung von quartiersbezogenen Initiativen. Die ZusammenStelle hat zwei Hauptaufgaben: die UnterstĂŒtzung von Initiativen bei der Umsetzung des Modellprojekts Rathausblock und die Einbindung neuer Interessierter in die Quartiersentwicklung. Der Förderverein selbstbestimmte…

  • Community & Communications Lead

    Placemaking Europe is seeking a passionate and experienced Community and Communications Lead to join their team. This mid-level position will play a pivotal role in fostering connections between placemakers across Europe, amplifying the voice of our community and disseminating the knowledge we create. Working for Placemaking Europe means that you have to feel comfortable in…

  • Praktikant:in «Urbane Kommunikation» und «Teamassistenz»

    Denkstatt sucht eine motivierte Praktikantin (w/d/m) fĂŒr 80-100% Pensum oder nach Vereinbarung, idealerweise fĂŒr 6-12 Monate. Die Aufgaben umfassen redaktionelle, organisatorische, administrative und inhaltliche Arbeiten im Bereich “Urbane Kommunikation” und “Teamassistenz” vorwiegend in Basel. Zu den Qualifikationen gehören sichere Kenntnisse in Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, Textproduktion und -redaktion, Excel, organisatorische FĂ€higkeiten sowie Grundkenntnisse in Adobe Indesign,…

  • Graphic Designer

    Down to Earth is seeking a talented and dedicated Graphic Designer to support its vision as the organization continues to expand its positive impact on communities and scale of operations across its group of award-winning social enterprises. As a small and adaptable team, Down to Earth recognizes that individuals often take on multiple roles. In…

  • Field team/sessional researchers

    Social Life are looking for researchers and people with engagement experience to join the field team. This is being offered on a freelance contract as and when work is available. Projects are coming up in central London in late March and April, and in Southwark and Harlesden/Shepherds Bush later in the summer. Fieldworkers are needed…

  • Praktikant/in Stadtklima

    Die Dienststelle StĂ€dtebau & Architektur des Bau- und Verkehrsdepartements steuert die rĂ€umliche, architektonische und denkmalpflegerische Entwicklung des Kantons Basel-Stadt: von einzelnen, kantonseigenen GebĂ€uden bis hin zur Gesamtstadt. Die Leistungen reichen von der Entwicklung raumplanerischer und stĂ€dtebaulicher Konzepte bis hin zum Projekt- und GebĂ€udemanagement komplexer Hochbauten. Die Dienststelle setzt sich unter Einbezug von öffentlichen und privaten…

  • Urbanists and landscape architects

    Bluma, an urban planning and landscape architecture consultancy specializing in green infrastructure and nature-based solutions, is inviting urbanists and landscape architects to join their team. They focus on unconventional urban planning and landscape architecture projects that involve exploration and collaboration with communities and various experts in the field. Requirements include a degree in architecture, landscape…

  • Mitarbeit zur Projektvermittlung / Kioskbetrieb

    Der gemeinnĂŒtzige Verein Flussbad Berlin sucht fĂŒr die Sommersaison ab dem 15. April bzw. 1. Mai bis zum 15. Oktober 2024 Mitarbeiter:innen auf Minijob- oder Werkstudentenbasis zur Vermittlung des Projektvorhabens und Betreuung des Kioskbetriebs im Fluss Bad Garten in Berlin Mitte. Der Fluss Bad Garten fungiert als Vermittlungs- und Informationsplattform fĂŒr das Projekt und bietet…

  • Public space designer with great conceptual skills

    Felixx, an international award-winning landscape architecture firm founded in 2014, boasts a team of 35 designers and researchers dedicated to addressing climate challenges. They are currently seeking a public space designer with 3-5 years of experience to join their team. Ideal candidates possess strong graphic skills and experience in high-end public realm and mixed-use projects.…

  • PhD: The Role of Social Innovations in Enabling Nature-Based Solutions in Cities

    The Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University is seeking a PhD candidate to explore the role of social innovation in enabling nature-based solutions (NBS) in the Mediterranean region. This research aims to contribute to just and sustainable cities by investigating how social innovation initiatives and networks facilitate the implementation and mainstreaming of NBS. The candidate…

  • PhD on the Role of Knowledge in Planning & Governance of Nature-Based Solutions

    A PhD researcher position is available to investigate the role of knowledge in inclusive planning and governance of nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean region. The focus is on upscaling these solutions in urban planning, emphasizing knowledge-based instruments and co-production processes. The project involves action research in real-life case studies, exploring various types of knowledge for…

  • Expert Climate Neutral Cities

    ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, a global network dedicated to sustainable urban development, is seeking an Expert Climate Neutral Cities to join their team in Freiburg, Germany. The role involves contributing to the implementation of a European project focused on accelerating cities’ pathways to climate neutrality by 2030. The Expert will work on various…

  • Equips d’enginyers i professionals

    Busquem equips d’enginyers i professionals a Catalunya per col·laborar en encĂ rrecs relacionats amb la urbanitzaciĂł d’espais pĂșblics. Les tasques inclouen: ✍ disseny de xarxes de serveis, 🧼suport en cĂ lcul d’estructures i 💰elaboraciĂł de pressupostos. Si esteu interessats o interessades, podeu contactar-nos per missatge directe o enviar un correu a .

  • Architectural Illustrator

    CIVIC SQUARE is demonstrating neighbourhood-scale civic infrastructure for social and ecological transition, together with many people and partners in Ladywood, Birmingham UK. Principally, we are working to share practically and openly how the climate transition and retrofit of our homes and streets can be designed, owned and governed by the people who live there now…