Category: Sustainable Cities

  • Bicycle Mayor Network Intern

    Only for students based in Netherlands: BYCS is seeking an enthusiastic Bicycle Mayor Network Intern to join our Amsterdam team. In this role, you will play a vital part in managing our Bicycle Mayor Network, including handling relationships with cycling advocates in 140+ cities, facilitating collaboration sessions, managing onboarding processes, developing digital communication campaigns, and…

  • Visiting student & Research fellow

    The MIT Senseable City Lab in Amsterdam, The Netherlands is seeking full-time visiting students, research fellows, and post-docs. The lab focuses on providing innovative research to support Amsterdam’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2030, with the aim of extending insights and technologies globally. Applicants with backgrounds in mobility and transport systems, environmental engineering, climate…

  • Urban Nature Intern

    C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors from leading cities worldwide, dedicated to addressing the climate crisis and fostering thriving communities. Their approach is science-based and people-focused, aiming to limit global heating to 1.5°C. The organization operates globally with over 400 staff members across various locations. C40’s Climate Solutions and Networks (CSN) team oversees…

  • Student internship

    DĂ©rive is offering a paid internship for a motivated student to join them. Interested? Please send your motivation, brief portfolio and cv to DĂ©rive is a research driven practice operating between architecture, public space and urban strategies.

  • Marketing Communicatie stagiair

    Als Marketing & Communicatie stagiair werk je binnen de divisie samen met de Communications Lead aan de planning en uitvoering van onze marketingcampagnes. De rol richt zich op het vergroten van de merkbekendheid en het genereren van nieuwe contacten en samenwerkingspartners. Afhankelijk van  je eigen persoonlijke ontwikkelingsdoelen, kan de stage de volgende activiteiten omvatten: Ondersteuning…

  • 12 Promotionsstellen (m/w/d) Graduiertenkolleg “Gewohnter Wandel”

    Das DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Gewohnter Wandel” an der Bauhaus-UniversitĂ€t Weimar und der Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt sucht zwölf Promovierende (m/w/d) ab dem 1. Oktober 2024. Sechs Stellen sind in Weimar und sechs in Frankfurt verfĂŒgbar. Die VergĂŒtung richtet sich nach den TarifvertrĂ€gen fĂŒr den öffentlichen Dienst und die Stellen sind bis zum 31. MĂ€rz 2028 befristet. Das Kolleg untersucht…

  • (Pflicht-) Praktikant:in

    Reallabor Radbahn sucht eine:n Praktikant:in, die/der ihnen in den Arbeitsbereichen von Design und Projektmanagement unterstĂŒtzt, idealerweise fĂŒr ca. 700 Stunden (mindestens 400 Stunden). Aufgaben Entwurf und Produktion von Materialien fĂŒr Social Media und andere Formen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, inklusive Erstellung von Bildern und Grafiken Gestaltung visueller Inhalte fĂŒr Berichte, Publikationen und Online-PrĂ€senzen des Projekts, inklusive Bildern und…

  • Praktikant:in «Urbane Kommunikation» und «Teamassistenz»

    Denkstatt sucht eine motivierte Praktikantin (w/d/m) fĂŒr 80-100% Pensum oder nach Vereinbarung, idealerweise fĂŒr 6-12 Monate. Die Aufgaben umfassen redaktionelle, organisatorische, administrative und inhaltliche Arbeiten im Bereich “Urbane Kommunikation” und “Teamassistenz” vorwiegend in Basel. Zu den Qualifikationen gehören sichere Kenntnisse in Rechtschreibung und Grammatik, Textproduktion und -redaktion, Excel, organisatorische FĂ€higkeiten sowie Grundkenntnisse in Adobe Indesign,…

  • Sunset Project: 10 Doctoral Canditates

    SUNSET is a European Doctoral Network aiming to develop innovative research and training capacity around city-university interactions driving the EU’s twin green and digital transition. SUNSET brings together a diverse network of esteemed researchers from leading universities worldwide, along with partners from city governments, innovation companies, research institutes, and civil society organizations. Together, we aim…

  • PhD position in Climate-Resilient Strategies for Cities

    The University of Louvain (UCLouvain) offers a dynamic PhD opportunity within the interdisciplinary project CHIASMUS, focused on climate-resilient strategies in cities. Collaborating with institutions including the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), this 4-year scholarship aims to develop locally-informed mitigation and adaptation strategies for urban building…

  • Open House Festival Administrator

    Open House Festival is a London-wide festival that opens up and celebrates the city’s architecture, special places and neighbourhoods, with free open days and events taking place across all 33 London boroughs. The festival’s mission is to provide access to spaces that wouldn’t otherwise be open, to create opportunities for learning from and about the…

  • Animatore/animatrice territoriale

    L’animatore o l’animatrice territoriale si occupa del disegno e della gestione di processi partecipativi e di strategie e tecniche di facilitazione per il coinvolgimento delle comunitĂ  locali. Nello specifico: 1. affiancamento per le attivitĂ  di animazione territoriale; 2. supporto alla creazione di connessioni tra comunitĂ  e spazi riattivati con il coinvolgimento di nuovi attori all’interno…

  • Praktikant/in Stadtklima

    Die Dienststelle StĂ€dtebau & Architektur des Bau- und Verkehrsdepartements steuert die rĂ€umliche, architektonische und denkmalpflegerische Entwicklung des Kantons Basel-Stadt: von einzelnen, kantonseigenen GebĂ€uden bis hin zur Gesamtstadt. Die Leistungen reichen von der Entwicklung raumplanerischer und stĂ€dtebaulicher Konzepte bis hin zum Projekt- und GebĂ€udemanagement komplexer Hochbauten. Die Dienststelle setzt sich unter Einbezug von öffentlichen und privaten…

  • Trainee for digital transformation

    Eurocities, representing major European cities, is recruiting a trainee for its digital policies team. Responsibilities include organizing meetings, drafting articles, supporting policy activities, and assisting in project development. The responsibilities of this role encompass assisting in the organization of digital forums and task force meetings, drafting articles for newsletters, supporting policy-related activities, monitoring EU-level developments,…

  • Urban Research Assistant (0-3 years)

    We Made That is currently seeking an Urban Research Assistant with 0-3 years of experience, who is intrigued by places and how intelligent evidence influences their development. They are looking for a candidate with knowledge and a keen interest in cities and spaces, as well as the processes that shape them. The ideal candidate will…

  • Intern

    TSPA, an architecture and planning practice based in Berlin, is seeking a passionate intern to join their team immediately or from March for approximately six months. TSPA focuses on sustainable urban development and design in a transforming world, with a team of motivated architects, urban planners, designers, and other experts sharing a passion for improving…

  • PhD “Re-valuing urban heritage to increase cities’ readiness to face climate change”

    his PhD position will revolve around urban heritage and adaptation measures for the climate-neutral, inclusive, and beautiful transformation of cities and communities, thus applying the New European Bauhaus (NEB) principles and values with specific emphasis on the neighbourhood scale. More specifically, the PhD Candidate will develop new knowledge and tools to better capture how the…

  • PhD on ‘Planning HER City’

    The Institute is seeking a PhD candidate to lead a project focused on implementing gender-sensitive urban planning practices in the Netherlands. The research aims to understand how gender differences manifest in Dutch urban planning and its impact, exploring planning techniques to enhance the participation of young women and spatial interventions to reclaim their right to…

  • 12 Doctoral Candidates “Climate-neutral cities through citizen engagement”

    10+2 Doctoral Candidates will be overall employed to conduct research on how to advance towards achieving climate-neutral cities on different dimensions through citizen engagement and decision-making support. There is a great team of academics and experts involved in supervision and training, and the consortium is now inviting applications for 10+2 doctoral candidates (Researchers) for these…