Category: Sustainable Cities

  • Bicycle Mayor Network Intern

    Only for students based in Netherlands: BYCS is seeking an enthusiastic Bicycle Mayor Network Intern to join our Amsterdam team. In this role, you will play a vital part in managing our Bicycle Mayor Network, including handling relationships with cycling advocates in 140+ cities, facilitating collaboration sessions, managing onboarding processes, developing digital communication campaigns, and…

  • Researcher

    The role of Researcher at MAIA involves synthesizing knowledge from various organizations and sectors to support the organization’s vision and mission. The researcher also plays a crucial role in refining evaluation practices to facilitate organizational learning. Working three days a week on a fixed-term contract of six months, the Researcher position offers a salary of…

  • Doctoral candidate on feminist perspectives on housing, gender, and everyday life (ENG & ESP)

    A doctoral candidate position in Social Geography and Urban Studies at the University of Zurich is open for applications, focusing on the project “The Home-Debt Nexus: Feminist perspectives on housing, gender, and everyday life.” This project investigates women’s challenges at the intersection of housing, indebtedness, and homemaking, exploring their responses and the geographical/material conditions involved.…

  • PĂ€dagogische Beratung

    querstadtein e.V. sucht eine pĂ€dagogische Fachkraft fĂŒr BeratungstĂ€tigkeiten im aktuellen Projekt “Klima.Migration.Dialog”. Die Aufgaben umfassen die Entwicklung zielgruppenspezifischer StadtfĂŒhrungen, UnterstĂŒtzung bei der App-Entwicklung und Coaching von StadtfĂŒhrenden im Umgang mit Jugendlichen. Gesucht wird jemand mit pĂ€dagogischem Abschluss und Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Jugendlichen sowie Interesse an Themen wie Migration und Klimawandel. Die TĂ€tigkeit erfolgt…

  • (Pflicht-) Praktikant:in

    Reallabor Radbahn sucht eine:n Praktikant:in, die/der ihnen in den Arbeitsbereichen von Design und Projektmanagement unterstĂŒtzt, idealerweise fĂŒr ca. 700 Stunden (mindestens 400 Stunden). Aufgaben Entwurf und Produktion von Materialien fĂŒr Social Media und andere Formen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, inklusive Erstellung von Bildern und Grafiken Gestaltung visueller Inhalte fĂŒr Berichte, Publikationen und Online-PrĂ€senzen des Projekts, inklusive Bildern und…

  • Community & Communications Lead

    Placemaking Europe is seeking a passionate and experienced Community and Communications Lead to join their team. This mid-level position will play a pivotal role in fostering connections between placemakers across Europe, amplifying the voice of our community and disseminating the knowledge we create. Working for Placemaking Europe means that you have to feel comfortable in…

  • Analytical Internship

    Do you have a flair for data processing and can deduce trends and work with concepts within urban design and citizen involvement? Are you studying sociology, ethnology, anthropology, urban planning or similar? As an intern, you will become part of the daily work at a dynamic architectural office with many diverse tasks. You will work…

  • Community Researcher – Making London Safer for Women, Girls and Gender Diverse People

    We Made That is hiring Community Researchers to join the team for a new and exciting project commissioned by Transport for London and the Mayor of London Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). They’re looking for women and gender diverse people to help us conduct research, test new engagement methods, and share insights about experiences of safety…

  • Praktikant/in Stadtklima

    Die Dienststelle StĂ€dtebau & Architektur des Bau- und Verkehrsdepartements steuert die rĂ€umliche, architektonische und denkmalpflegerische Entwicklung des Kantons Basel-Stadt: von einzelnen, kantonseigenen GebĂ€uden bis hin zur Gesamtstadt. Die Leistungen reichen von der Entwicklung raumplanerischer und stĂ€dtebaulicher Konzepte bis hin zum Projekt- und GebĂ€udemanagement komplexer Hochbauten. Die Dienststelle setzt sich unter Einbezug von öffentlichen und privaten…

  • Open House Festival Administrator

    Open House Festival is currently seeking a new Administrator to join their team. The festival, organized by Open City, aims to celebrate London’s architecture, special places, and neighborhoods through free open days and events across all 33 boroughs. The role, based in North Greenwich, offers a salary of ÂŁ20k-ÂŁ21.6k for 4 days a week, with…

  • Trainee for digital transformation

    Eurocities, representing major European cities, is recruiting a trainee for its digital policies team. Responsibilities include organizing meetings, drafting articles, supporting policy activities, and assisting in project development. The responsibilities of this role encompass assisting in the organization of digital forums and task force meetings, drafting articles for newsletters, supporting policy-related activities, monitoring EU-level developments,…

  • Trainee for culture

    Eurocities is a prominent network encompassing over 200 major European cities, focusing on various thematic areas reflecting urban priorities. It operates with a dynamic and international team culture, emphasizing trust, collaboration, and work-life balance. Eurocities seeks a trainee for a one-year term, primarily addressing topics related to culture and cultural heritage, with responsibilities including policy…

  • Community Mapping Project Assistants

    The project aims to address climate change as a social justice issue by tackling inequalities within society. It focuses on building a Public Map Platform (PMP) to help Local Authorities and communities make informed decisions and take local action on climate change. Based on the Isle of Anglesey/Ynys Môn in North Wales, the project offers…

  • Public space designer with great conceptual skills

    Felixx, an international award-winning landscape architecture firm founded in 2014, boasts a team of 35 designers and researchers dedicated to addressing climate challenges. They are currently seeking a public space designer with 3-5 years of experience to join their team. Ideal candidates possess strong graphic skills and experience in high-end public realm and mixed-use projects.…

  • Intern

    TSPA, an architecture and planning practice based in Berlin, is seeking a passionate intern to join their team immediately or from March for approximately six months. TSPA focuses on sustainable urban development and design in a transforming world, with a team of motivated architects, urban planners, designers, and other experts sharing a passion for improving…

  • Coordinator

    Tours that matter are looking for a coordinator that will support their vision to create a community of changemakers, by offering positive impact tours in Amsterdam. Their goal is to create a thriving, sustainable, and inclusive city by shaping the urban landscape through their transformative experiences and tours leaving a positive footprint. The job includes…

  • Wissenschaftliche und KĂŒnstlerische Mitarbeit „Kuratierte Erdgeschosse“

    Gesucht werden zwei Mitarbeiter:innen fĂŒr das Projekt „Kuratierte Erdgeschosse am Haus der Statistik“, finanziert durch die Nationalen Projekte des StĂ€dtebaus. Die Aufgaben umfassen den kreislaufgerechten Innenausbau und die Erweiterung von BestandsflĂ€chen im Erdgeschoss. Anforderungen sind ein Hochschulabschluss in Architektur, Stadtplanung oder vergleichbarem, mindestens zwei Jahre Erfahrung in gemeinwohlorientierter Stadtentwicklung, sowie Kenntnisse in Adobe Suite, CAD…

  • Projektmanager:in Kooperative Quartiersentwicklung

    Der/die gesuchte Projektmanager:in “Kooperative Quartiersentwicklung” unterstĂŒtzt den Aufbau selbstverwalteter Strukturen im Quartier. Die Position erfordert eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Vorstand und verschiedenen Teammitgliedern. Aufgaben umfassen FlĂ€chenvergaben, Beratung von Nutzer:innen, GrĂŒndung eines Vereins fĂŒr FreiflĂ€chen, sowie Veranstaltungskonzeption und -moderation. Erfahrungen in Stadtplanung, Urban Design oder Architektur, sowie mindestens zwei Jahre in gemeinwohlorientierter Stadtentwicklung und im…

  • PhD: The Role of Social Innovations in Enabling Nature-Based Solutions in Cities

    The Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University is seeking a PhD candidate to explore the role of social innovation in enabling nature-based solutions (NBS) in the Mediterranean region. This research aims to contribute to just and sustainable cities by investigating how social innovation initiatives and networks facilitate the implementation and mainstreaming of NBS. The candidate…

  • PhD on the Role of Knowledge in Planning & Governance of Nature-Based Solutions

    A PhD researcher position is available to investigate the role of knowledge in inclusive planning and governance of nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean region. The focus is on upscaling these solutions in urban planning, emphasizing knowledge-based instruments and co-production processes. The project involves action research in real-life case studies, exploring various types of knowledge for…